October 1 – 17, 2022
Opening Reception: Oct 1 / 4pm – 7pm
Together with Gallery Nucleus LA, we are excited to present Power In Numbers 7. Since the first PIN in 2006, the show will continue to feature hundreds of artwork in a postcard format. Both galleries will have separate rosters.
Available at nucleusportland.com:
October 2nd (TBA)

0073.uv / Absolute Ama / Adam de Souza / Adam Giroux / Adam Sprott / Adrian Ambrosio / Agreda / Aitoy / Alan Melele / AlbaBG / Alejandro Casanova Barberán / Alfonso de Anda / Alvi Ramirez / Amos Malayao / Andrei Sitari / Andrew Cadima / Angelika Rasmus / Anita Sofia / Apricot Mayor / Ariel Vittori / Armand Goxe / Angela An / Artylitka / Auracherrybag / Ava / Azhimova Anastasia / Bampshi / Beci Orpin / Berta Vallo / Betotl3000 / BTRFCE / Caitlyn Kurilich / Camille Whitcher / Carolina T. Godina / Cat Johnston / Catherine Unger / Cécile Berrubé / Chelsea O’Byrne / Choimago / Clara Danjoux / Cleonique Hilsaca / Coco Glez / Cogum3li / Congming / Connie Lim / Creature Creature / Crimsooo / Daifei / Dani Spickermann / Daniela Volpari / Daukantė / David Le Goon / Davilorium / Debbies Grahl / Diego Andrade / Diego Freyre / Dolle Étoile / Dominique Ramsey / DRAA / Drew Shannon / Eduardo Vieira / Edwintarm / Eko Shinohara / El Gato Chimney / Elisa Escalera Aguilera / Ellie vs Bear / Emil Friis Ernst / Emilie Bach Nielsen / Emma Carlisle / Emmanuelle Walker / Esther Morales / Esther Tang / Erlend Tait / Eryn Lougheed / Eunpyon / For Normal / Fredelle / Gabriel Gomez / Gaia Bordicchia / Gemma Román / Georgie McAusland / Gibrán Turón / gillian3g / Giorgio Sumi / Grace Cho / Graceina Samosir / Hamadaraka / Hans Olo / Haylee Morice / Heidiroo / Holly Warburton / Hope Doe / Hortense Mariano / Hugo Beaurepere / Íñigo / Itzel Michel / Iván Mayorquín / Ivardi Ahau / Ivonna Buenrostro / Ivyteas / James Lee Chiahan / Jen Yoon / Jenn Liv / Jenn Woodall / Jennifer Allnutt / Jennifer Wu / Jenny Løvlie / Jerry Liu / Jessica Fortner /Joanna Viheria / Johanna Forster / John Ed De Vera / Jomari T’leon / Jon Fox / Juliaon Roels / Julian Ardila / Kamila Mlynarczyk / Karen Obuhanych / Karen Shangguan / Karl Trewhela / Katharine Henry / Kaysha Siemens / KDBurnsy / Kelly Smith / Khanh-Ngoc Tran / Kima Lenaghan / Kloodwig / Koichame / Laura Guglielmo / Lauren Degraaf / Laurina Paperina / LIFO / Lilblueorchid / Lily Snowden-Fine / Lindsay Gwinn Parker / Lis Xu / Little Paper Forest / Lizz Mc / Lorena Alvarez Gómez / Luhan Wang / Madi Harper / Madeline Kloepper / Mall / MalOjo / Mandy Tsung / ManLuo / Manu Montoya / Maria Madelaire / Maria Nguyen / Maria Pareja / Mariana Noronha / Marie-Eve Proteau / Marjolaine Roller / Martyna Damięcka / Mary Kirkpatrick / Max Prentis / Megan Du / Melcher Oosterman / Matteo Berton / Michael Camarra / Michael Dandley / Momo Sugimoto / Moon / Miguel Pang / Mocculere / Morten Thyholt / Muxxi / Natelle Quek / Niña Nill / Novaraya / Octopupz / Owlyjules / Pañito / Paralilac / Parish Cherry / Paulette Jo / Paulo Villegas / Perfectly Possessed / Petra Frankova / Rachel Corcoran / Rachel Favelle / Raf Sarmento / Raúl Pardo / Renee Nault / Renémesia / Riccardo Pagni / Rie Koizumi / Romy Adzan / Ryo Shibata / Sarah Dyer / Sarah Whang / Sayuri Fujimaki / Scatterbee / Sean Lewis / Sena Adjovi / SevenDeven / SG / Shee P. Liu / Sibylline Meynet / Silvia Bolognesi / SIUKINS / Sooj Mitton / Sophie Leullier / Sovereign / Squid Vishuss / Stasya Sher / Steph C. / Tamerlan Bekmurzayev / Thinh Dinh / Thomas Campi / Thoth / Tofublock / Tomaz Major / Trevor Shin / Tomohiro Takagi / uniquelab / Vanessa Morales / Victoria Gedvillas / Viizage / Vincent Dock / Violeta Hernández / Wastana Haikal / Wina Obake / Wooden Wave / Yeaaah! Studio / yearsofacademytrainingwasted / Yeye Weller / Yosi